August 20, 2023


With all the hustle and bustle of summer, I forgot to write a review! As Celebrity has only 12 episodes, I decided to make a traveler out of this drama and watch 6 episodes at airports. The series was very interesting, certainly unique, but it didn't grip me. Neither Park Gyu Young, who plays the main character Seo Ah Ri, nor her rivals, nor the main male character, Han Joon Kyung, played by Kang Min Hyuk. All of them became one big messy blop in my head 😐

Who are those people?

They are CELEBRITIES. To be exact - influencers and those who earn on them. Seo Ah-Ri is a door-to-door cosmetics saleswoman. She doesn't earn much, it doesn't bother her too much, but who wouldn't want to have more. One day, while shopping with a friend, she stumbles upon an old high school friend who has turned from an average girl into a on-line celebrity. Oh Min Hye (Jeon Hyo Sung) introduces her to the world of influencers. Ah-Ri liked the option of making quick money and decided to fully immerse herself in the magic machine of Instagram. However, she is not a person who will become someone else for strangers. Ah-Ri continues to be herself and will not be afraid to say what she thinks about others and their actions. Which will put her in quite problematic situations several times ....

This drama is definitely sponsored by Instagram. Half of the series happens on the screens of this app, and the logo appears in every episode 😶 And I'm gonna lie - this show made me feel pathetic and sick. The further I went, the more people I have deleted from Instagram following. Having a friends that are into this market made me not wanting to met up. 

On one side Celebrity is stress-reliever and brainless entertrainment but when you start to think it over it showes it's second bottom. This is a series about how dangerous the Internet can be, its anonymity, the power that comes with it, and how it can make someone's life heaven or hell 😇😶😈 I have a big problem with this show because on the one hand I really liked it. It's concept was unique and very up-to-date. Once you start watching, it’s pretty hard to stop so it was a perfect choice for a drama to sit at the airport with for 3h. But on the other hand, the main characters were irritating to me. Not that they lacked acting skills, because they had them. But I didn't like their characters at all. It's the same with the side characters. None of them have made a place in my heart nor brain nor in any other bodycell....

I assume that the idea of ​​the series was to show what can happen to a person in such a rapidly changing environment that has no time or geographical limitations? 😬 I can't think of any other reason why making this drama 😅 But apart from presenting bunch of full of themselves influencers with head in clouds, it gave also on thing to reflect on - how much are you basing your worth on words and opinions of others? One girl on MyDramaList was talking about addiction to attention, seeing people around you as tools to be used and discarded when they stop being useful, how far can one go to achieve success.... That's exactly what I was talking and thinking about 😏

If I would have to list what I liked in this drama it would be:
  • Captivating sceneries giveing a wholesome experience of lawish living and feeling of billions being spent upon it.
  • Direction and execution with unique approach to the topic. It may have been a bit far-fetched and warped, but it was thought-provoking and pleasant to watch.
  • Variety of characters. In the first episodes, the series introduces a large number of different characters who came to fame in other means. However, the plus turned into a minus in the second half of the series as many of the influencers turned into a bunch of swearing and lying women.
  • That some disgustingly wealthy people can still be nice like Yoon Shi Hyun 😊

Unfortunately there are strong negative aspects:
  • Mediocre acting. Some performances were good but not many or not all the time. 
  • Lack of romance. Till this day I don't understand when and how the hell the leads felt in love. In my eyes he treated her like a nuisance and she him as a friend. No romance, no love, not even a pinch of feelings that I would see in their eyes. Zero chemisty.
  • Story development. Although unique, left with plotholes such as female lead was rich in the past but her current behaviour and actions doesn't reflect that. What happened with the Shi Hyun's sister in law after her brother went down?
  • The backgrounds of the supporting characters were not well written, as long as more than 2 sentences were said about them. It's also bad with a small lead.

Despite all these flops and irittations Celebrity is still very engaging drama. From the opening to the last scenes (ESPECIALLY THE LAST SCENE!) it is successfully grabbing all attention. Drama is worth seing once. I'm not a re-watcher but with some dramas I can understand the urge to do it. Here I would never be able to get it 😅

This drama and my feelings towards it can most easily be compared to Goblin, where FL was tragic and I didn't like it very much and the ending didn't knock me down either. It was also there that the whole sounded better than the individual elements separately 😕

If it wasn't for this uniqueness and good visuals, the series would get the most 5/10. I didn't like the main characters individually or together. They're the ones who brought the show down for me. They are lucky that the whole thing turned out very well and the series is good to watch. Otherwise, it would be a huge blunder of Netflix and Instarama 😂

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