I have started to watch Korean dramas on Netflix and for a while it was perfectly sufficient solition. Surprisingly, Netflix in Belgium or Poland has quite a lot of drama to offer, sometimes even with an English voiceover! So during tiring lockdown days I could just listen to drama and not to read anymore 😅 Many of us have a Netflix subscription, so there is no need to invest millions more in new platforms. Just type "KOREAN", click search and there we go: Goodbye world - Hello handsome chaebol 😎 Netflix also produced several of its series, so in the catalog we have not only old productions but also fresh new dramas. Although I am not a fan of movies, there is also plenty of korean ones on
At one moment watching Korean dramas started to be something more than just staring at a screen. I started to pay more attention to the script, acting, clothes and later even at director or screenwriter because at one point I saw enough of dramas to be able to relate one to another. Watching became more of a ritual sweat and tears with pot of tea or rameyon. I have also expended to Chinese dramas - if someone would tell this to my young-self I would laugh him/her out. Me and Chinese productions? haha naaaaah no way 😆😂 but here I am praising my first drama - Well-Intended Love.

Watching rankings and drama suggestions on YouTube had a negative impact on my fascination with Netflix's catalogue. It turned out that many very popular and "must see" dramas were unavailable on it such as What's wrong with secretary Kim, Goblin or Legend of the blue sea. This made me to venture into the unknown and sreach for other platform that offers it. And this is how I found Rakuten Viki 💙😍 my new love and obsession.
There is nothing more beautiful than visiting a new streaming platform and finding not only those dramas that you have been looking for for months, but also discovering hundreds of others that are equally or more interesting. My first login to
it was like a revelation. No wonder this is one of the most popular K-drama streaming sites. Not only you can watch shows without creating an account but when you get a membership (creazy 5$ per month) you can you can watch it without any comercials. For me - Netflix 2.0. I never used it but aparently you can also watch drama in a virtual grooup and chat with each other in real time. For me its a bit weird as I'm watching on TV and typing would be too hard but still tempting to try 😁

Regardless of which platform, it is important to pay attention if it is legal. As an active spectators we should support their hard work even if it is hard to wait for the latest & hottest drama to be available in your country. If you are like me an unexpected drama lover, you must constanly think where can I find them all? 😱 I have found some additional options but they differ in accessebility, content and price plus I had never tested them so no clue how it works. This may be your chance to discover something new! Let me know what and how 😉😇 If I find more platforms worthy of your attention, I will add them as texts in color and with links to websites.
Kocowa apparently has the the biggest collection of Korean TV shows with subtitles in multiple languages. Its one of the most popular streaming platforms in Americas and had not only now dramas but old ones too and plenty of variety shows. You need to have an account to watch but they also have an amazing feature where you pay 1$ per day and you can watch a movie of a short drama and never come back 😁 Frienship with benefits in a nutshell. Unfortunately, the platform does not work in any of the places where I live, so I can't tell you anything more than what I found on the Internet 😓
The perfect free solution for those who are running out of savings because everything went to subscriptions. you don't need to sign up for either to enjoy Korean dramas with ads. They also have Chinese and Japanese dramas, as well as anime. It is popular among those who like re-watch classics but if you prefer hot&new then I would run away from here 😬 There is a subscription to buy to cut off the commercials but who needs it when dramas as so old?!
As I couldn't wait for the next episode of She and her perfect husband, I dived into the Internet. I must say that Viki isn't always the fastest at posting newest episodes and unfortunately, I'm not the patient one 😅 This is how I discovered WeTV.vip. It is a huge platform with probably millions of series, movies and documentaries. It is paid but within reason (something like 5-6$) but you can watch without an acconut certain amount of episodes. To continue the drama you must be a VIP member. Membership though comes with special content, fast downloading, no adds and being able to watch on 2 devices. So not bad for few dolars. WeTV is in this context comparable to Netflix only based on the world of East Asia 😁
Mango is a free streaming platform I recently discovered, where mainly Chinese series are available. I've been looking for a place to see "Perfect & Casual" for about a year and I finally got it! (review soon). As I mentioned, the platform is free, so you have to reckon with ads, but they are not annoying. They appear about 2 times per hour episode and disappear after a few seconds. YouTube in this regard is much more annoying. By some online descriptions Mango contains of wide variety of quality dramas, movies, classic series, celebrity TV programmes, cultural documentaries and educational content with subtitles for multiple languages. I haven't yet explore the platform, focusing on my lovey-dovey drama, but as soon as it's finished I will bring more info to the blog.
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