January 07, 2023

Lovestruck in the city - weird drama

YES I MADE IT! I made my husband to watch the k-drama with me 💙 pity that the drama was not so good as I was hoping for. There was so much hype in the Internet about Love struck in the city but now as I saw it, I can't imagine why. 

Drama is pretty chaotic and basicaly boring. The last episode is pulled from outer space and doesn't fit in with the rest of the show. It feels like the producers wanted to start a new chapter (?) or make a second season (?) but the response to this one wasn't positive 👎 I was really dissapointed in my choice because it took me quite a long time to convince my husband to see any Korean drama with me and when he finally decided to enter my world, this happens. I thought (and hoped) Love struck in the city will be something interesting to see .... 🙈 Little did I know ....

Briefly what is it about:

The series is maintained in the form of an interview with 6 people (sometimes an additional guest speaker) who talk about their approach to love and relationships. The main story, however, revolves around Park Jae-Won and Lee Eun-O, who met on vacation and fell in love at first sight. Although many months have passed since their tragic parting, he cannot forget the woman who stole his heart and cameras. What they both don't know is that they are both connected by Jae-Won's cousin, who is also the boyfriend of Eun-O's best friend, and than Eun-O wasn't Eun-O during the holidays.

My main problem with the drama were the script. I totally hate how they executed it. The storyline was bearly progressing and it was tiring to go constantly back and forth with their history 😤 Jae Won and Eun O were the main characters but their story could have been said in maybe 6-8 episodes. All the rest should have been given to other 2 couples: Choi Kyeong-Jun & Suh Rin-I and Oh Seon-Yeong & Kang Geon. When we fully understood the thoughts behind Jae Won and Eun O's actions, they should have do the same with others. They were much more interesting! 😱I know that those two were the leads but I would change that and equalize all 6 characters. Drama would be way more engaging. 

The second problem was the characters. They drove me nuts! 😵 Jae Won spent most the drama as a complete mess and lunatic with alcohol problem. Eun O knew what to do but still she didn't do anything. These two dragged the show on forever with their complaining, and as much as I like Ji Chang-Wok as an actor, this show with him is BAD 😥 Rin Yi's character wasn't developed enough but the way they created her was odd. On one moment she's sweet and laid-back but then switches to stubborn girl who ignore things she doesn't feel comfortable. Gyung Joon was so blindly in love her that wasn't much supportive. If she was so much stuggling with money and he didn't like it, why they didn't move in together heh?! Sun Young was my favourite character, she was purely searching for love and acceptance but in the same time was petrified of being hurt. Prefered to hurt others than being hurt. Her insecurities were clear but made her strong. She suppose to have more on screen time or even own spin-off! Geon was just too chilled and too much in the background to understand him and his crazy relation with Sun Young. Pity because I like those two.

Third problem, and for me the biggest, the interview format. I don't know who thought that this format of drama would be something cool 😠 But whoever accepted it should be hanged. Pointless and annoying solution! It did nothing good but only created chaos in the show, made it hard to focus on what was going on and where it was all going to. 

This is a fairly short opinion about the series, although it has 17 episodes because unfortunately. I did not like it. Its short description is very engaging but once you start watching the series you totally lose interest in it 😐 Unfortunately, I can't recommend it to you because you will die of boredom. If it wasn't for the fact that I have a problem with abandoning the series (I only manage to do it with long or multi-season series), I wouldn't watch it from about the 8th episode onwards. Apart from the shots, music and the occasional interesting approach of the characters to life, I would not have a good word about Love struck in the city 🙊 The actors were good (I think), it's hard to say because the script was very weak.

Final rating: 4.5/10
I'm going back to watching season 3 of The Penthouse 😀 

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