As for my favorite dramas, of course it will be romance. I love these bloated problems, the world against lovers and big comebacks. This is my escape from the real world to the fantasy world. However, sometimes I get tired of such productions. After romance I adore to watch dramas with supernatural characters and political ones (I plan to watch more of those in coming months😉). In my opinion army is one of the most interesting man's creations because it is a world within the world 😈 It has its own laws, rules and operates separately from the everyday world of the an average citizens.
As for the Military Prosecutor Doberman, I'm soooooooo delighted with it! It starts off strong and keeps the pace steady for 16 episodes. There are no moments where it's sweet, oh no. The army, soldiers and the fight against those above the law is always in the first place. It's a nice change and if such dramas were made more often, I wouldn't have time to eat nor work 😅 Military Prosecutor Doberman got me hard and I cannot rate it lower than 8,5!
Quick stop for the synopsis and move on to the actual review!
Do Bae Man was raised by his aunt (police officer) afte his parents (soldiers) died in the car accident. He was always thinking about money as a priority therefore when he got an offer to become a wealthy military prosecutor, he couldn't refuse. Five years passed and he is one of the most succesful one in current times. On the other hand, Cha Woo In, who recently joined Bae Man's team, did not join the army for money. She is here to avenge her father's death and punish responsible ones. Although they have different reasons for joining the army and point of view on it, they quickly find a common language and new purpose of life.
Although apart from the main actress Jo Bo-Ah (known from Tale of Nine-Tailed) I don't know anyone, drama has an insanely skillful cast. Each actor knows whose he/she plays, has a huge talent and uses it to create unique characters. They were fantastic in their roles! I love shows where the emotions of the characters can be seen on actors' faces 😎
- Do Bae Man (Ahn Bo Hyun) is not a typical positive character, Woo In is much closer to that. He is a real cathartic character who wants to fix his mistakes. For a long time, he saw nothing but money and now he finally noticed what has he done to others. I love his gradual change! 👍
- Cha Woo In (Jo Bo Ah) partly leads a double life, but in both she punishes those who bend the law for their own convenience. Her purpose in life is quite strong and throughout the series I was afraid that the girl would go crazy if she failed but of course she maded it. I liked her character very much as she showed that girls are not just to work behind a desk in a dress and high heels 😁 She's a beautiful tomboy!
- Noh Hwa Young (Oh Yeon Soo) is too horrifying character for me to say a good word about. I am disgusted by her and I'm convinced that she is one of the most unpleasant characters in my k-drama career. You can be a soldier, but when you're a parent (single one of top of that) you should change your routine a bit 😤 She may be a good soldier, but judging by the number of corpses, but she was not the best citizen nor human.
- Yong Moon Goo (Kim Young Min) this drama has several negative characters and he is one of them. Moon Goo is a stereotypical lawyer with no heart or scruples but well developed EQ to manipulate 😬 I don't know who I hate more, him or lady general. The way he covera things up was amazing and disgusting at the same time.
- Noh Tae Nam (Kim Woo Seok) is a sensitive boy spoiled and destroyed by an ambitious and cruel mother. I am full of admiration that he survived to his drama agre with such a parent because he would almost become breadcrumbs 🙉🙈 Tae Nam is an interesting and complex character who, despite being negative, I couldn't despise.
- Do Soo Kyung (Kang Mal Geum), last picture below, is Bae Man's aunt who has been raising him since he was about ten years old. The boy was expelled from many schools and did not want to study. Fortunately, the police officers knew how to cope with disobedience 😉 Shee is a very enjoyable secondary character and her comments brights the show up. At first glance, it seems not very pleasant, but you can feel her big heart.
All these characters are focused on their work and play very serious roles. Only Do Bae Man and his crew allow themselves a moment of relaxation and jokes. Members of 4th Infantry Division Law Office are the only ones that bring joy and relieve some of the tension as the story is thic and solid 👌
I started watching the series because of the theme and the main actress. It was almost a hit - 8.5 out of 10. You know that feeling that something was brilliant but something small was missing? That's exactly what I have with the Military Prosecutor Doberman. I don't know what's wrong but something is not 100% as it should be 😅 I would love to give the drama 9.5 out of 10 but I can't - Tale of Nine-Tailed still remains at the top of the podium 😎
MUSIC (especially the opening credits): fantastic and it will probably be one of the very few dramas from which I will download the soundtrack. 9/10
SCRIPT: unique and impressive, but I feel like they threw a little too much here. Maybe that's what's not working for me here. I realize that it's thanks to these many threads that the series is so engaging, but something didn't quite add up as it should have. 7/10
CHARACTERS: one word = brilliant. 9/10
Do you want to see a drama with extraordinary action and are tired of sugarcoated conversations? Here it is! Military Prosecutor Doberman (btw. amazing word-play) is waiting for you at 4th Infantry Division Law Office 👊
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