September 24, 2023

The Fabulous

Woop Woop! I've made it! This is my review of the 100th fully watched drama! It took me (only? as much as?) 3.5 years to reach this number 🙈 This is amazing because along with my adventure with Asian dramas, I started the adventure of living abroad. I don't even know when these almost 4 years have passed. So much has happened in the meantime 😱 .... it's been maybe 4 years, but I feel like these dramas have been part of me for at least half of my life, I got so hard into it and they have become my safespot ❤ whenever I feel bad, sad, lonley or just out of place inhere they bring me back on track ❤

Moving on to The Fabulous.. It was cute and messy 😆 clutter in content is a fairly typical problem in short productions. Here was lot was said, a lot was shown but it made sense in the and and during the  finale everything fell into the right places 👌  

Whose so fabulous here?

It is a group of four friends doing everything to survive and achieve success in the fashion industry.

Ji Eun has dreamed of working in fashion since she was little and currently works as the head of the promotion department of a luxury brand agency. She is bright and positive. Woo Min is a handsome and competent freelance photographer who is bored with his current job. Joseph, on the other hand, is a beginner fashion designer, and Ye Seon Ho is a famous model and is the only one who has achieved success at the moment, but has reached the age where she doesn't know what to do next.

The 8-episode drama presents their everyday problems and struggles while friendship helps them survive it all.

The Fabulous is a jump-in, jump-out type of show. You meet fully developed characters, with background and stories that are time to time explained to you but never gonna know the full extend. Drama had a very interesting and promising start but was slowly going down episode by episode 😐 The perpetrators are too much information and too many side characters 👎 Because this is an 8-episode piece it should be more of an essence and scaled down with supporting storylines and characters... the love triangle was unneccesary and love story between Jin Eun and Woo Jin really poorly executed. I wished they focused on friendship more than love, it could have been so good😞

The actors itself were very good 💙 The entire group of friends individually had well-established characters - diverse but compatible with each ther. Omitting the love story would have allowed for better focus on them and show their inner growth. But unfortunately kdrama equals romance and the opportunity to create something special was lost. I would love to see more of Seon Ho as she was for me the most valuable character here 😍

I chose this series because of 1. the number of episodes perfect for a plane flight 2. Chae Soo Bin! She was so brilliant in I'm Not a Robot that I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see her in another production. Unfortunately, she didn't do well here and I hope that if I find another drama with her, it will be better 🙏 As for other characters whose faces I know from other dramas, here they are:
  • Esther - Lee Si Woo who currently plays Syoan in My Lovely Liar
  • Jang Ok Jin - Jeon Soo Kyung, she is popular mum-character but stole my heart in Love ft. Marriage and Divorce as Lee Shi Eun 💖

To sum up, The Fabulous is a good drama but it has many shortcomings. Compared to the teaser and descriptions, I was hoping for something more 😕 A nice idea for a drama, but poor execution, not by the actors but by the producers. Because of them, I give The Fabulous 6 points out of 10. If it weren't for the acting talent (even of the model playing in the series for the first time), the drama would have fallen very flat, very low. I don't know whether to recommend anyone to watch this drama. If you like fashion, why not, but otherwise you can skip this one 😬

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