Before I discovered Asian dramas, I never would have said that my favorite theme would be "a cold guy who fell in love with me and turned out to be a warm husband". This is an extremely predictable subject, where even the plot twists are repetitive, but it's still so much fun to watch that it's hard to turn around. Love in Time was a nice show 💜 sweet ... and that's it 😅 Unfortunately it was the characters were pretty bland. I knew it wasn't going to be an action movie, but I waited all 24 episodes for something to surprise me about these characters 💤 This is one of those productions where the female lead is not good enough for male lead 😬
What is "Love in Time" about?
Growing up, Su Jia Nan (Serena Cheng) wasn't the most popular but now she is an coming writer with a steadily growing fanbase. She is finally free of her painful past but suddanely one day she finds herself in the middle of family's inheritance argument. Her family's idea for her future puts an end to her writing career. Jia Nan wants nothing more than to be free from her family obligations. The only way out of this predicament is to find a husband. Forced choice falls on the guy who bullied her at school.... Lu Bo Yan (Ren Yai Kai) .... great. He is not successful CEO of investment company and very eager to help Jia Nan for a price. Caught up in his own family crisis, Bo Yan finds himself in desperate need of a wife. Agreeing to help each other out, Bo Yan and Jia Nan sign a marriage contract.

Well .... Drama is not bad in itself. For a long time I thought to rate it 5.5-6/10 but the main characters were not the best. As actors, the leads did great, but I didn't like their creations. More female than male. Lu Bo Yan is handsome, kind and strong while Su Jia Nan is semi-pretty, mean and selfish. In the synopsis it is said that he is giving her the "price" for being married to him, but actually he is paying that price for being married to her. Jia Nan is egocentric and for a long time doesn't acknowledge his goodness towards him. She claims to be an indepentend strong woman who knows what she wants but in the same time she rejects it and sacrifies the her and his happiness 😓🙈
Their love story has its obvious ups and downs and keeps you entetrained. Jia Nan starts as a poor lover and luckly finishes as a bit better person. Through out whole drama she prefers to chase her dreams than to respond to Bo Yan's approching. He is really doing his best and apologize for what he was going at school. That prolonged negligent was annoying enough to make me to lower the rating. When times are good the lovers do show some passion but in bad times they really give their worst attitude. It was nice to watch that the actors seem comfortable with each other and the kisses are pretty strong😍
Moving to the woman who, opposite to female lead, wanted male lead's feelings .... Han Ruo Xi. She is a star actress who wants to be with the Bo Yan and schema against Jia Nan. Actress portaying Ruo Xi performes better than the female lead and you will hate her from the very begining. **** SPOILER ***** She even plots with a movie creator to establish a love triangle in the movie to make Jia Nan and Bo Yan to break up and take each person for their own. Nasty villains here. **** SPOILER *****
There is also a secondary couple in the show - 2 friends of Jia Nan end up in the same bed. In my opinion if producers would cut them out of the show and gave the main couple more depth, the show could be better. Their love story is somewhat unconventional but still sweet and you kinda cheer for them... they are completnly unneccessary here. They do not bring anything meaingful to the show.
Thankfully this Chinese drama was only 24 episodes long and producers didn't drag any moments. This is a rarity I adore! 💚💚 As I said at the above, I did not hate Love in Time. It was just ALRIGHT. Nothing more nothing less. Even though there was a chemistry between the list there was not spark. I don't know how to exactly explain it .... The force that brings them together wasn't present and I hope you know what you mean by that 😅
Ren Yan Kai as a main character was a totally great choice because I finished the drama just for him 😇😈 It was lovely watching him getting his happy ending .... even if the woman wasn't best for him. One of the reviewers said something perfect towards femal lead: "I think Serena Cheng did a good job, because I really did NOT care for this character, overall. She was selfish, self-absorbed, immature." It perfectly explains why I wasn't looking forward for her happy ending but only for Bo Yan's 🙈😂
It is too hard to say if I recommed Love in Time or not.... but they look good together tho 😅
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