January 05, 2021

My Sassy Girl

Although there is only one drama on Rakuten Viki called My Sassy Girl, the overall number of versions of this story is amazing. I guess like the story of Cinderella, everyone sees it differently. I don't know about the others but the Korean version is worth seeing!

Who is the Sassy Girl?

The title character is the daughter of a Korean king who is not very good at following the rules. Princess Hye Myung is progressive about the times she lives in and is desperate to find out what happened to her mother. After one of his many escapades outside the palace walls, the king decided to hire unique scholar to properly educate his  audacious daughter. This work fell to a well-known throughout the Korean kingdom and the Chinese empire, Gyeon Woo. Hands of “Joseon’s National Treasure” becomes full as being the protector of a this princess is hell out of work.

I'll start with the princess. Oh Yeon Seo created a wonderful character and just like in Korean Odyssey I couldn't take my eyes off her. She is not only beautiful but also talented 💖😎 Princess Hye Myung was amazing with questioning rules and discarding marriage arrangements. I adored how much she wanted to study medicine. Although at first the character may seem insufferable, irritating and unpleasant, it quickly changes. The more you learn about the princess' story and dig in way of thinking, the more you fall in love with her 😍 I love when fictional characters are multidimensional and, just like a human being, they not only change under the influence of time and people, but also gain when you get to know them better 😇

When it comes to "Joseon's Treasure" I had quite a problem with getting used to him because actors face is incredibly similar to the face of the caretaker of the building where I live 😂 I really had to build a wall in my brain and force myself to cut off these two characters😂 When I finally managed to do that, I began to objectively look at Gyeon Woo. Joo Won created an interesting character whose histroy was highly shocking to me. Love those👌

I like a lot the overall idea of the story - two characters who don't get along but find love later on. However the chemistry between the leads was a bit off 😐 Chemistry per se was there, or at least in the romantic tension form, but I couldn't feel the love between the characters. The fact that they would end up as a married couple filled me with doubt 😬 Hye Myung and Gyeon Woo are nice as a couple but not married one. If she was to marry someone, I suggest Eternal Monarch Lee Gon. Not only would they look gorgeous together, his woman on that show is mediocare & lame and he should be with someone better 😇


As I mentioned at the beginning of the post, the series has no original content as it is a remake of a movie from a few years ago. But that doesn't take away from its merits. The story is really interesting and if you are in a dilemma of watching it, I must say you should go for it. The acting is superb, characters have depth and clothers are to die for 😍😆  

If I had to rate the series on a scale of 1 to 10, I'd give it a 6-6.5. As much as I love the female lead and I really like the male lead, the other characters weren't as good. Usually in series, at least one or two secondary characters are memorable, and here it's not so good. Also this low chemistry between the leads does not deserve more. Despite those flops, you should watch it 👍

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