March 06, 2023

Strangers Again

I didn't expect that the drama about two divorcees that are forced to work together can be so engaging ๐Ÿ˜ Ha Ra and Eun Beom happened to be very intersting characters whose history hooked me up already from second episode. I had low expectations starting to watch Strangers Again as it could go so stereotypical .... but luckly it didn't! It is a drama for mature people. Youngsters would for sure find it painfully boring ๐Ÿ˜ด and I sincerily wouldn't blame them for that. Drama is slow and filled with adulthood matters and they are not yet there in their lifes. But sadly I am ๐Ÿ˜…

The drama is about a couple who got divorced 3 years ago. Oh Ha Ra and Goo Eun Beom felt in love with each other in the collage and were together for 10 years. Their romantic relationship ends when Eun Beom asks for divorce due to his infidelity. As a result of a combination of random events these two end up working together in the same law firm specialized in divorces. As everyone expected, their emotional baggage was displayed at every possible moment. To stop paying child support, Eun Beom decides to pair Ha Ra with his friend. Already tense atmosophere at the divorce office becomes a battleground dut to fellow lawyers Kang Bi Chwi and Kwon Si Wook who also get under each other skin whenever they can. 


It's a 12 episode drama on a great level of realism. The leads are not only each other opposites but are also their presentation is twisted to compare to other Korean dramas. Goo Eun Beom is not typical because he not a cold-hearted guy with EQ of river-stone, nor an athletic heir to a fortune, nor the best lawyer in town. On the contrary - he is emotional, broke and has as good as no career at this point in life. Ha Ra though, has it all - happy family, wealth, friends and amazing career. She surely won in the divorce matters ๐Ÿ˜…

 I found myself drawning into the characters and all divorce cases they run. Drama focuses on complexity of marriages, characters of people and their needs. It shows that being married is not to easy after all and it is way more complicated arrangement that it may seem when you look at it from the distance. I myself also thought that but as wife of only 6-months experience I can tell that I changes a lot. After the reception your brain starts to think differently and some stupid arguments just vanquish. You look at the bigger picture.... and the bigger the picture, the bigger problems might occur. Wether it's us or Ha Ra & Eun Beom, life and relationships are filled with the same amount og hilarious jokes and conflicts ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’–

But not only Ha Ra and Eun Beom's relationship is shown here. Each episode presents a different problem for divorce and discovers the stories of other members of the lawyers' office. I adore multi-character dramas. They are complex and hard to make but that gives the most of realism. In Strangers Again they did it perfect. Other lawyers had their whole episodes to explain their inner problems. Realism is an obvious key word in this series and I know that I abuse it ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™ˆ I'm sorry for that! I will use it one more time only and that's it, I promise!

While the story develops the conflicts between the leads goes to another level. I was feeling hyper conflicted wether I cheer for them being back together or not. History shows them in both good and bad lights, sometimes you think "how she could not notice it?!" "why he doesn't say it?!" "what the hell is wrong with them!" then suddebly start to analyze your own behavior and realise that in reallife we also don't say everything that comes to our mind or not notice something while being busy. This are the reasons I felt in love with Strangers Again ๐Ÿ˜‡

Even though at first I hated the ending, I came to thing that it happened for the best. I won't spoil ๐Ÿ˜‰

Content: 8/10
Execution: 7/10
Acting: 8/10
Music: 7/10
Rewatch Value: 8/10
Overal feeling: 7/10

I liked the drama very much and I will scare to Thirty-Nine. These are 2 well -made series purely intended for adults. Strangers Again obtained 8/10 pointd on MyDramaList and I see it as a bit too much. Despite the fact that history and actors were very good, the series is should not be rated to be more than 7.5/10. Even if it would have 0.5 point lower I would still recommend it. Rarely, slow dramas with rather hard topics hook in this way ๐Ÿ’™

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