March 26, 2024

Doctor Slump

I often start watching a drama because of the actors. Just because I've seen them somewhere before or because I actually haven't seen them in a long time 😅 it also depends if I liked them in previous show or not. The second reason took its place here 😊 Park Hyung Sik and Park Shin Hye are well-known actors which played in numerous good dramas. I personally know Hyung Sik only from Heirs and Shin Hye from the same drama plus from magnificent Alhambra. I liked them both so it was only natural to press-play 👀


Back in high-school years Yeo Jeong Woo and Ha Neul were nothing more than the biggest enemies walking on this planet. Jeong Woo always been first in academics and so did Ha Neul in their local schools. When they reach the same high school, the race has started. After several body and mind injuries they managed to reach their dreamed medical schools - plastic surgery and anesthesiology respectively.

Jeong Woo became a very popular plastic surgeon with perfect life but, due to a mysterious medical accident, his has been pushed to the edge with PTSD on top. In meantime Ha Neul's life consists only of work and further studying. This genious doesn't have any time to experience fun and leasure which leads to one diagonse - depression. Fate brought these two walking disasters together again. This time they decided to comfort each other rather than fight and a romantic relationship blossoms between them.

The drama started strong but couldn't keep it through out all16 episodes 😐 I don't know exactly when but at one point I started to get bored. It felt like I have a depression 😔 and lost intrest in dramas. Later on I even thought it was the fault of Doctor Slump that I had to drop watching them. Romance between the leads was cute, and that it. There was nothing engaging for the viewer. I agree with unpopular opinion that if Jeong Woo and Ha Neul stayed friends show would be higher rated.

When it comes to the leads, they both played well but I definately prefer FL. Park Shin-Hye created a great strong, independent and fierce woman. I loved her story even though it was pretty sad. Just sometimes her childliness was a bit too much. In few episodes both leads felt like they didn't mature mentally from highshool. With her as it was rare to happen it was still acceptable but with Jeong Woo it was too much. Hyung Sik has that staple way of acting that fitted amazingly in Heirs and apartently was excelent in Strong Girl Bong-Soon too but here, for me, it was too far. The actor looked fake multiple times and prevented viewers from immersing into the show. You could see only the ACTOR not the CHARACTER. Super dissapointing 😥

The topic of the medical mistake and the subsequent scandal was very interesting. I was eagerly waiting for its resolution and what was the reason for it to happen at all. The reason was strong, but the execution... well... surely at the level of a Korean drama 😆 It was the most engaging aspect of Doctor Slump and I wish the childlish romance didn't eclipse it so much. 

Moving on to the couple that for me stole the show. LADIES AND GENTELMAN, THEM... Lee Hong Ran (Kong Seong Ha) and Bin Dae Young (Yoon Park) 💕 These two suppose to have their own spin-off! It was one of the most adorable and down to earth couple I saw in a long time. Loved everything about them. Screw Jeong Woo and Ha Neul! Hong Ran and Dae Young are THE couple here 😍 It was so great to watch them going out of the comfort zone after being divorced and helping each other with kids. This are the dramas we need people 💞 The idea of implementing single parentship with opposite gender kids while working as a doctor was insane. But was is more insane is how well was it executed. At certain point I was watching the drama for them.

I've noticed that there always will be that one drama for dozens where secondary and background characters take the lead. Doctor Slump is the "one" and want to thank the casting crew for their choices here because otherwise I would have to drop this drama 😅 Hong Ran, Dae Young, Min Kyung Min and Ha Neul's made this show, what is it. 

The main aspect of this drama was mental illnesses - depression and PTSD. Both are rarely talked about because they are rare among average people. Well, not necessarily. Depression can occur in any situation. For some it will be a difficult corporate job, for others it will be family problems, and for others it will be a broken heart or the illness of a beloved pet. Every person's psyche is different and we are resistant to different things. Looking at this series from the perspective of someone who knows as many as 3 cases of depression in his circle, I must admit Park Shin-Hye played a very good role. Long-term pressure from society, high expectations of parents, looking only at the results and not at the child's happiness is a very "good" reason to fall into depression after some time. Everyone has their limit. Some people pay with physical fatigue, others with mental fatigue. But the latter is harder to get out of. 


When it comes to the the final word, it was good and very moving drama. I especially liked Doctor Slump due to the topis as two friends of mine are currently suffering from burnout and depression. But I cannot say I fully enjoyed the drama. It had some moments where I had to step out and come back in a week or so. No doubt, Doctor Slump is an above-average drama and like It's Okay Not To Be Okay, it touches on important topics. Both dramas presents mental illnesses in a very accessible way but It's Okay Not To Be Okay is on way higher execution level. One would like to say "More of them please!" but jugdind by the topic it seems to be so odd to day here 😅 I'm recomending to watch it but don't get your hopes too high.

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